Lego Nights

Thanks to a generous donation of Lego from the Lego Foundation (Akela’s son works for Lego) we had two great nights using Lego.

Our first night was playing a competitive version of Creationary. This is where a person in each Six (the Creator) is given a word and has to build a Lego model to show the word. The rest of the Six then have to guess what the Creator has made. Competitive Lego and great fun.

DSCN0156Our second night was playing stories with Lego. Each Six was given an ‘open’ sentence, e.g I was lost …. The Six had to develop a story around the sentence and each person in the Six had to make a model to illustrate part of the story.

The picture shows the winning Six with their imaginative story (led by Nat who eloquently described it ‘as a reworking of ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’).

IMAG0124At the end of the night all the Cubs got to take their models home with them and the rest of the Lego is being donate do the Hitchin Autistic Children’s Lego club.

Mums and Cubs

12 Mums, 12 Cubs, 2 Leaders and a weekend at Boyd Field: A recipe for disaster or fun?

Well, we all had great fun and the Mums especially enjoyed the 1 mile walk, coffee shop (with great gluten-free cakes) and 1 mile walk back via a playground. If Carlsberg did walks in the country…..

Actually, the Cubs and the Mums all had a great time doing orienteering, challenges (‘Teddies across the River’ and ‘Paper structures’) but the highlight was probably being given the ingredients and then lighting the fires and cooking their own breakfasts!

A great camp and pictures later.

Cub Camp 2015

Summer in England is never predictable but 15 Cub Scouts had a great time in the worst weekend for a long time.

DSCN0103We have great time at Gilwell and even enjoyed (?) a long walk in the rain in Epping Forest – we were allegedly looking for the Lost Pond but never got that far. We were, however, very close to Dick Turnip’s Cave (stand and deliver your vegetables anyone?) or maybe it was Dick Turpin’s Cave?

We did lots of activities (aeroball, bouldering, pedal go-karts, canoeing, grass sledging and even Jacobs Ladder) and ate very well thanks to Catherine’s excellent cooking.

A great time was had by all despite the weather (dodge-ball in a tent in the rain can be quite challenging).

Lets hope we all dry out in time for Mums and Cubs in a little over a months time.

For more details see here.

Climbing at Go Outdoors

A great night climbing at the Go Outdoors indoor climbing wall. Just the rigth height and difficulty for Cub Scouts and a fitting end to an exciting term of the ‘everyday adventure’.

IMG_1890Thanks are due to the management of Go Outdoors (Oliver Penn and Connor) for letting us do this and particular thanks to Sam (the instructor) for courage in the face of 21 Cub Scouts. Sam did a wonderful job keeping the Cub Scouts safe whilst climbing and still making it great fun.


Chariot Racing

Well done to the Cubs Chariot Racing team who came second in the Hitchin Scouts Chariot racing.IMG_1388The Cubs had great starts, great running and really quick changeovers.IMG_1385The victorious team (and pseudo Manager – it was really Inga who did the hard work)  IMG_1392

Equestrian Badge at Courtlands Riding Stables

The Cubs visited Courtlands Riding Stables to do their equestrian badge.

Great staff and a great time was had by all as the Cubs rode horses:


Learnt about grooming and looking after horses and how to ride safely on the road.


Merry, the baby donkey was a special favourite.

Highly recommended as an activity for Cub Scouts to learn a little more about horses.

I even learnt what a chestnut was!

Trading Post

Patrols started with £20. The Patrol Leader hired equipment to carry out activities, for which they were paid. The highest earning Patrol won the evening. Roll on Alan Sugar!!!

And now for the real thing

Patrols walked unescorted, on footpaths they had never seen before. Last week’s preparation from the maps came in very handy – but it’s harder, out in the countryside in the dark, than it is looking at the map in a warm room! We finished with drinks and doughnuts – thanks very much to Baldock United Reformed Church for providing their hall for us to finish at. And no-one got lost.