The rules for Distance Scouting

Just a few basic rules for our Distance Scouting activities during the coronavirus outbreak.

  1. You must talk to your parents about any activity before starting it, so that they know what you are doing and where, and can help you to plan how to do it safely.
  2. Please let us know about what you’ve done. If possible, send photographs that your parents are happy for us to put on the Web site and/or Twitter, to encourage other Scouts to have a go too.
  3. We are hoping that you will be able to earn various badges. Do check the requirements before you start, and ask your parents to confirm what you’ve done. Obviously we’ll be flexible where normally you’d be going somewhere special, and now you need to be doing things at home.
  4. The advice from the government is, of necessity, changing over time. Do just stop and think whether a suggested activity is still appropriate in the light of the latest advice.