Sort of a Scouting Apprentice, all in one evening. Patrols competed to earn the most Monopoly money by hiring equipment to complete various vaguely Scouting-related tasks (set a map, tie some knots, make a long wheelbarrow with your whole Patrol and walk five yards). The results have been added into the Patrol points competition (see the Scout Troop page).
Patrol Leaders’ Council
The Patrol Leaders met with some of the adult Leaders to plan the Scout Troop’s programme for the term.
Great effort by all those at the bag pack
We had a very successful day at our bag pack at the Iceland store in Hitchin. 5 shifts of leaders, parents with Beavers, Cubs and Scouts handed out baskets, packed shopping bags and loaded home deliveries. Everyone was impressed with their help and cheerfulness.
We had collection buckets out for donations, and collected an amazing £406!
Well done eveyone and thanks to Sue and Anthony from Iceland.
Party people
We finished the term with our usual Christmas party – silly games, food and the playlets we had prepared – what more could a Scout want?
Here comes summer
As well as putting the final touches to our playlets, we spent a little time in a Troop Forum, discussing what activities we’d like and where we could go for next year’s summer camp. We also invested two new Scouts – welcome to the Troop!
Dramatic events
Just for fun, Patrols of Scouts worked on a short playlet to entertain the Troop at our Christmas party. Oh, and we played a number of games…
More activity badges
Week two of our badge sessions, with Scouts variously working on their music, cycling, craft, survival or artist skills.
Chips with everything
We carried out one of our famous chip shop surveys. Each Scout in a Patrol arrived with chips from a different shop, and we compared them using the criteria decided last week. (Then we ate all the chips. Well, most of them anyway.) Congratulations to the Town Fryer, which came out top with more Patrols than any other shop, so gets our vote – for this year!
Choose your activity
Get set
Continuing our mapping theme, we looked at how to use map and compass together. The Scouts walked up the grid lines in the hall and didn’t meet each other, so found that they can’t all point to the same north, and magnetic north doesn’t even stay put. We still managed to find north and set our maps though 🙂