We may all be maintaining social distancing, but lone Scouting is nothing new – it was first heard of in 1913. Scouts all over the country are making new plans, and here are our suggestions for activities at home. We’ve also sent out invitations to Jamboree on the Internet, a camp fire and a month-long camp, all of which you can do from the comfort of your own home.
Category Archives: Scouts
Mapping and navigation
Thinking ahead to next year’s District expedition to Lochearnhead in Scotland, we got our maps out and looked at contours, routes and other features in that area.
PLs take charge
The Patrol Leaders took over the evening from the adult leader team, who had very little to do for the night. The PLs each ran a different challenge, and the Patrols moved round and tried each on in turn.
Emergency aid
Many thanks to Sam from District, who came down to practice CPR, bandages, and how best to manage emergency situations, with us.
Potshots and pancakes
Patrols swapped round from last week, and did the other activity this time.
Pancakes and potshots
Complicated evening. Three Patrols went shooting air rifles. In between turns, they lit a Swedish torch. As you can just about see in the photo, one or two of the marshmallows got torched as well, but they still made good s’mores when put between two chocolate digestives. The other three Patrols cooked (lots of) pancakes at church. Next week we swap round and do it all again.

Air Space
The Scout Troop spent the evening trampolining at the centre in Stevenage.
Wok’s going on?

Chinese-style cooking, practising for the District competition in a couple of months’ time. Best bit was when the Patrols let the leaders have a taste!
Entertainment planning
Patrols got together to plan short entertainments for our camp fire later in the term. Before that, we welcomed three new members moving up from Cubs.
The term ahead
The Scout Patrol Leaders met with the adult leaders to plan our meetings. You can see the result on the programme page.