Everything packed (well, nearly everything – we left some freezer blocks in the warden’s fridge), off site and home for lunch.
Now the planning for next year starts…
Everything packed (well, nearly everything – we left some freezer blocks in the warden’s fridge), off site and home for lunch.
Now the planning for next year starts…
The climbing wall, pedal cart racing, the adventure playground, and one last game of Danish Longball. Then our traditional last dinner of fish & chips (no washing up, ‘cos we’ve already cleaned the pots), and a final sit round the camp fire.
And some sailing too. We spent the day at the Longridge boating centre, and then cooked Thai chicken curry with left-overs.
Not at the same time of course. We tried the rabbit run (underground pipes) and then had a go at air rifles.
The threatened storms didn’t turn out too bad, so we went for our planned hike. There was just one real downpour, in the morning, and we dried out in the sun later. We found another geocache, and a couple of us tried sleeping in hammocks strung between trees.
We went on the (very) high ropes, finishing with a zip wire. Materials for the planned bivouacs were surprisingly hard to find, but we carried on with our carving projects, and then found a geocache near the camp site.
Orienteering to explore the site, archery, a chicken dinner, preparing pigeons for the table, and a mass wooden-spoon carving session.